It's weird how cyberbullying is the topic for this week. There's currently a case of this (and racism) back in my hometown of Indiana. Apparently, a white girl and a black girl that go to the same high school that I graduated from, have engaged in a dispute on social media. The white girl called the black girl's daughter ugly, and even posted pictures of herself with a "black face". Those close to this individual have said that this isn't her first actions of being racist. Many parents in the district are calling for expulsion as the consequence. Cyberbullying isn't cool at all, and should be taken very seriously. As I've recently stated in some of our discussion boards, the advancement of social media unfortunately means that this issue isn't going away anytime soon. If you really think of someone else in a negative light, at least have the gumption to say it to their face. Posting it on social media only causes more issues and makes the accuser ultimately look weak if you ask me. I don't really have a solution at the moment to try to reduce the instances of cyberbullying. Most of the time, when it involves two teens on social media, usually one is jealous of the other for whatever reason. Just stay to yourself and try to keep as much off social media as you can.
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